Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图1

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图2

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图3

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图4

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图5

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图6

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图7

Flat Able Bootstrap 4管理模板(Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Admin Template)插图8


Flat Able Bootstrap 4 - Free/Lite Admin Template是一个完整的解决方案,为您的仪表板创建。它带有默认的布局版本,选项有限,谷歌优化,字体集成,高速,成熟和复杂,极其有组织的代码使Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Lite成为任何类型的后端应用项目的完全灵活的解决方案。
它带有基本但有用的UI组件、高级组件、认证页、字体图标、不同的表格组件、数据表、图表和地图。在Flat Able高级仪表板版本中,有更多的功能和各种选项。我们还开发了Flat Able Admin Template及其Bootstrap免费和专业版本。
选择Flat Able Free的原因
- 16+页 - 我们已经创建了16+页,几乎涵盖了所有内容
- 更快的加载速度 - 在谷歌网页速度工具中,网页渲染速度最好。
- 默认布局 - 我们已经设计了默认的新布局,你以前从未见过。
- 新 - 实时定制器 - 实时页面定制器,有大量的选项可供选择
- 视网膜响应准备 - 每个组件都是高度响应和视网膜准备。
- 支持/帮助指南 - 为每个组件写出详细的文件
- 图表 - 使用50多个预先设计的图表,以可视化的泡沫突出你的统计数据
- 15个以上的小部件 - 可根据您的需求随时使用仪表板小部件
- 插件 - 我们已经集成了所有可能的第三方插件,以满足您的后台需求。


Flat Able Bootstrap 4 – Free/Lite Admin Template is a complete solution for your dashboard creation. It a comes with default layout version, with limited options, Google optimized, font integration, high speed, mature and sophisticated, extremely well-organized code makes Flat Able Bootstrap 4 Lite a completely flexible solution for any type of back-end application project.
Comes with error/bug-free, well structured, well-commented code and regularly with all latest updated code. This saves you a large amount of developing backend application time and it is fully customizable.
It comes with Basic but useful UI components, advanced components, auth pages, font icons, different form components, data tables, charts, and maps. There are more features and a variety of options available in the Flat Able premium dashboard version. We have also developed Flat Able Admin Template with its Bootstrap free and pro version.
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Reason to choose Flat Able Free
• 16+ Pages - We've created 16+ Pages, which cover almost everything
• Faster Loading Speed - Page render fast with the best score in Google Page Speed Tool
• Default Layout - We've designed default new layouts which you never saw before.
• New - Live Customizer - Real-time page customizer with tons of options to choose
• Retina Responsive Ready - Every component are highly responsive and retina ready too
• Support/Helper Guide - Detailed documentation is written out for each component
• Charts - Highlight your statistics data in visual foam using 50+ pre-designed charts
• 15+ Widgets - Ready to use Dashboard Widgets as per your demand
• Plugins - We've integrated every possible 3'rd party plugins which suits your backend need

