Wherizzy :: 导航应用程序(Wherizzy :: Navigation App)

Wherizzy :: 导航应用程序(Wherizzy :: Navigation App)插图


希望你们一切都好!我很高兴向你们展示我的新概念。它就是Wherizzy。你可以在最短的时间内找到你的目的地,它是基于人工智能的介绍WherissaWherissa是你的智能语音助手,你可以轻松地导航!(这是我第一次与Amir的3D体验帮助 关于演示我们从Conceptzilla的灵感为这个演示!并根据这个设计的风格,这是与AI有关。我们试图创造一个不真实的和面向未来的氛围。                   关于地图这个地图也是我的第二个3D体验。一个以ai为中心的空间?为什么不呢 :)   这就是全部:希望你喜欢!不要忘了分享你对Wherizzy的看法。在与:Amir合作关注我:Instagram | Behance这是Reverb! ::我们的IG | 我们的Be


Hope you are doing well guys!I'm very glad to show you my new concept.It's Wherizzy. You can find your destinations in the shortest time, it's based on AI Introducing WherissaWherissa is your smart voice assistant that you can navigate, easily!(It's my first 3D Experience with Amir's helps About PresentationWe inspired from Conceptzilla for this presentation!And according to the style of this design, which is related to ai. We tried to create an unreal and future-oriented atmosphere. About MapThis map was also my second 3D Experience.An ai-centric space? why not :) That's All :DHope you enjoyed! Don't forget to share your opinions about Wherizzy.In collaboration with : AmirFollow me :Instagram | BehanceIt's Reverb! :: Our IG | Our Be

