ASMR应用程序UI概念(ASMR App UI Concept)

ASMR应用程序UI概念(ASMR App UI Concept)插图


在ITRex,我们相信令人难以置信的UI/UX设计是您的应用程序成功的关键 - 尤其是当我们谈论放松应用程序时,正如该术语所暗示的,它应该帮助用户管理他们的焦虑。

在我们最新的项目之一 - 一个用于放松、冥想和健康睡眠的ASMR应用程序时,我们把用户体验放在首位。该平台汇集了独立艺术家和喜欢ASMR内容的用户。










At ITRex, we believe that incredible UI/UX design is key to your app’s success — especially if we’re talking about relaxation applications, which, as implied by the term, should help users manage their anxiety.

We put user experience first when working on one of our latest projects — an ASMR application for relaxation, meditation, and healthy sleep. The platform brings together independent artists and users who enjoy ASMR content.

To help the target audience make the most of the application, we introduced multiple features and UX patterns:

☑️ Separate profile types for artists and users

☑️ Option to upload video content

☑️ User engagement functionality (likes, comments, followers, instant messaging)

☑️ Patreon-like donations

☑️ Robust filters simplifying in-app navigation and content discoverability

Don’t forget to hit that like button — and follow us for more design inspirations! 

And if you’re looking to build a wellness mobile app, you can drop us a line, too!

