带有3D的去中心化区块链(Decentralized Blockchain with 3D)

带有3D的去中心化区块链(Decentralized Blockchain with 3D)插图


大家好!今天我将用区块链的视觉效果来取悦你们。今天我将用区块链的视觉效果来取悦你们。这次我决定用3D来做实验,即用Spline程序。我想大家都已经听说过它了,我已经用它工作了半年多了,我很满意。起初,它的功能似乎相当有限,你会是对的,但如果你有独创性,你也可以在那里取得有趣的结果。你已经在Spline中做过3D吗?分享你的经验和看法。或者你想为你的区块链产品提供一个有趣的视觉效果?那么你知道该联系谁了 给我们留言:hello@aimpie.design


Hey everyone! Today I will please you with a visual for blockchain.This time I decided to experiment with 3D, namely in the program Spline. I think everyone has already heard about it, I have been working in it for more than half a year and I am very satisfied. At first it may seem that pretty limited functionality there, and you would be right, but if you include the ingenuity, you can achieve interesting results there too.Have you already done 3D in Spline? Share your experience and opinion about it.Or maybe you want an interesting visual for your blockchain product? Then you know who to contact 🤙🏼Drop us a message at: hello@aimpie.design

