EGN网站(EGN website)

EGN网站(EGN website)插图


嗨,伙计们!新的病案即将到来这里是EGN网络公司网站重新设计的一个小预告,我们在过去的六个月里一直在做这个工作。在接下来的镜头中,我们将展示一些互动,并告诉大家一些所选择的创意概念。敬请期待!        EGN是一家精英主机供应商,在圣克拉拉和佛罗里达都有数据中心。        我们为他们做了一个品牌重塑和新的网站。        像往常一样,在接下来的文章中,我们将向你展示更多关于品牌重塑过程和一些有趣的互动。所以敬请期待!请不要忘记在评论中提到你的想法,如果你喜欢你所看到的,请按 "L "在Instagram上关注我们,以获得更多变态的东西___________________________Team高级设计师。Denis Kondrashov初级设计师。Margaret Plotkina项目经理。奥尔加-克虏伯艺术总监和平面设计师。Maxim BergMade in Sick.


Hi folks!New sick case is coming! Here is a small teaser of EGN Networks website redesign which we have been doing for the last six months.In the next shots we will show some interactions and tell a bit about chosen creative concept. So stay tuned! EGN is an elite hosting provider with data centers in Santa Clara and Florida. We did a rebranding and a new website for them. A lot of work has been done, and we can't wait to tell you about it.As usual, In the next posts we will show you more about rebranding process and some interesting interactions. So stay tuned!Please don't forget to mention what you think in comments and press "L" if you like what you see 🖤Follow us in Instagram for more sick stuff 😉___________________________TeamSenior Designer: Denis KondrashovJunior Designer: Margaret PlotkinaProject Manager: Olga KruppsArt Director and Graphic Designer: Maxim BergMade in Sick.

