电子商务的工作流程监控(Workflow Monitor for eCommerce)

电子商务的工作流程监控(Workflow Monitor for eCommerce)插图


今天我很高兴与大家分享另一个关于工作流构建器的概念。这一次,它是一个用于电子商务的概念SaaS工具的正常运行时间监测仪表板。         该应用程序将允许用户设置自定义工作流程,以优化供应链的流程。它将通知用户他们所有工作流程的状态,并提供一个快速的方法来修复一个破碎的流程。


Today I'm happy to share another take on the workflow builder concept. This time it's an uptime monitoring dashboard for a concept SaaS tool for e-commerce. The app would allow users to set up custom workflows to optimize processes in the supply chain. It would notify the user about the status of all their workflows and offer a quick way to fix a broken process.

