收银员食品位置(Cashier food pos)

收银员食品位置(Cashier food pos)插图


嗨,这是一个应用程序的概念,选择食物并在结账时购买。我试图通过使它看起来干净来使用户更容易接受。让我知道你对它的看法按 "L "来表达你的爱,并在右边的评论区分享你的意见。✉️有项目想法?我们可以在hello@kretyastudio.com | Instagram上接受新项目。


Hi, 👋This is an application concept to select food and buy at checkout. I try to make it easier for users by making it look clean.Let me know what you think about it!💙 Press "L" to show some love and share your opinions in the comments section on your right.✉️ Have a project idea? We are available for new projects at hello@kretyastudio.com | Instagram

