健身应用(Fitness App)

健身应用(Fitness App)插图

健身应用(Fitness App)插图1


EpicCoders的Fitness App是一个免费的应用程序模板包,具有基本功能,可以让你开始构思自己的基于健康和健身的移动应用程序。这个应用程序包含各种具有现代设计和功能的彩色页面,你可以自由定制。




Fitness App by EpicCoders is a free app template pack with essential features for you to start to conceptualize your very own health and fitness-based mobile applications. This app contains a variety of color pages with modern designs and features that you can freely customize.
From its interface, you can see some of its ready to use features like heartbeat rate, calories burned and even your body temperature that you can track during your routine. You can even add your very own playlist to keep you going during cardio and aerobic activities. Download it now and don't forget to subscribe for more freebies.
You may want to all files in the kit before you download it.

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Thank you and enjoy designing!

