翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)

翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)插图

翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)插图1

翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)插图2

翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)插图3

翁德卡字样(Undeka Typeface)插图4


Undeka™是一种现代的当代无衬线字体,体现了简单的几何形状与强大的排版基础相结合。灵感来自于20世纪初制作的grotesk字体。它是由Krisjanis Mezulis在WildOnes Foundry制作的。Undeka有6个不同的版本--普通/粗体,浅色/粗体,粗体/粗体。欢迎下载Undeka字体的免费版本,并在你的项目和演示中使用它。


Undeka™ is a modern contemporary sans serif typeface that embodies simple geometric shapes combined with strong typographical foundations. Inspired be the grotesk typefaces made in the early 20th century. It was made by Krisjanis Mezulis at the WildOnes Foundry. Undeka is available in 6 different versions - Regular/Italic, Light/Italic, Bold/Italic. Feel free to download the free version of Undeka Typeface and use it in your projects and presentations.

