MacBook Pro模拟图(MacBook Pro mockup)

MacBook Pro模拟图(MacBook Pro mockup)插图

MacBook Pro模拟图(MacBook Pro mockup)插图1

MacBook Pro模拟图(MacBook Pro mockup)插图2

MacBook Pro模拟图(MacBook Pro mockup)插图3


丰富多彩、富有创意的MacBook Pro模型展示给你!
寻找合适的模拟图?这里有一个俏皮的MacBook Pro模型,适合你的新内容--网站、演示文稿和其他。它有一个逼真的MacBook Pro,有两个不同版本的白色和黑色模型,其背景一定会在你的演示文稿上创造出令人敬畏的气氛。
特别感谢Shojol Islam (为其设计和工作。


EpicPxls <3


Colorful and creative MacBook Pro mockup presentation to you!
Finding the right mockup? Here’s a playful mockup of MacBook Pro for your new content -- website, presentations and more. It features a realistic MacBook Pro in two different versions of white and black models with backgrounds that will surely create awesome moods on your presentations.
This mockup is available in XD, Sketch and Figma formats. Contains vector graphics and are easy to customize.
Feel free to download it today, enjoy!
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You may want to check all the files before you download.
Special thanks to Shojol Islam ( for designing and working for this.

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

EpicPxls <3

