12个免费的Instagram故事(12 Free Instagram Stories)

12个免费的Instagram故事(12 Free Instagram Stories)插图


我用sketchapp制作了这个instagram模板。为了方便你使用,你可以用Sketchapp打开并改变图片或文字以适应你的产品或活动;它是完全可定制的,尺寸为800px x 1422px。这是非常有用的Instagrammer,影响者,广告商,博客,营销人员,讲故事的人,以帮助他们促进他们的产品或服务。


I made this instagram templates with sketchapp. It is ready to use for your convenience, you can open with sketchapp and change the picture or text to suit with your product or event; it is fully customizable with the size of 800px x 1422px. This is very useful for Instagrammer, Influencer, Advertiser, Blogger, Marketers, Story-tellers , to help them promote their products or services.
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