更多免费的简单图标(More Free Simple Icons)
高质量的更多免费的简单图标是几个物体和项目的轮廓形状。包括手工制作的线条图标,是其巨大的便利性,可以为这作为一个Ai文件来定制。图标轮廓的中心是透明的,让你在图标下面展示你的墙纸。线条图标是xxxhdpi的,这意味着它们是高清或足够高的分辨率,可以在你的任何项目中获得看起来很酷的线条图标。第一组图标是卡片、水瓶和植物的轮廓。第二套也是如此,不过,它有一个2D的彩色口音。创作者Ümit Can Evleksiz非常慷慨地免费分享这个图标包。
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非常感谢Ümit Can Evleksiz (https://dribbble.com/umitcan_07)为其设计和工作。
High quality More Free Simple Icons are outlined shapes of a couple of objects and items. Included with the hand-crafted line icons is its huge convenience of being customized for this comes as an Ai file. The center of the icon outline is transparent, letting you show off your wallpaper beneath the icons. The line icons are xxxhdpi which means they're HD or high enough resolution to get cool looking lined icons on any project that you have. The first set of icons are outlines of cards, water bottle, and plant. The second set is the same, however, it has a 2D colored accent. The creator Ümit Can Evleksiz is very generous to share this icon pack for free.
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Big thanks to Ümit Can Evleksiz (https://dribbble.com/umitcan_07) for designing and working for this.
See all the files in the kit and download it now!