Arber Vintage 免费字体(Arber Vintage Free Font)
Arber复古字体是由Krisjanis Mezulis制作的。它的特点是有一种刷子的感觉和外观。每一个字母都是用细水笔在丙烯酸纸上手工绘制的,这使得该字体独一无二。之后,它被扫描并拼成了一个字体。该字体最适合大标题、标志和海报。
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Arber-vintage.otf - 包括开放类型的功能
Arber-vintage.woff - 在网上使用
Arber vintage font was made by Krisjanis Mezulis. It features a brush made feel and look. Every single letter has been hand drawn with a thin water brush on acrylic paper, this making the typeface unique. After that it was scanned and put together as a font. The font suits best big headlines, logos and posters.
Appreciate the project and follow us :)
Arber-vintage.otf – Includes opentype features
Arber-vintage.woff – For use on the web
Photographs NOT included