附近的场馆(Nearby Venues)

附近的场馆(Nearby Venues)插图


我们很高兴与你分享这个Nearby Venues UI Kit的设计!这个Nearby Venues的目的是为你提供一个整洁、干净和易于使用的UI概念,用于基于位置的移动应用程序、旅游、随身携带和其他!你可以在你的应用程序以及其他演示文稿中使用它。请随意在您的应用程序以及其他演示中使用。
附近的场地UI工具包在Adobe Photoshop中精心制作。它包含可定制的完全分层的PSD文件和矢量元素,做工整齐,组织良好。
特别感谢Tamannaazkhan 1994年为其设计和工作。


EpicPxls <3


Do you have a travel app in mind?
We’re so happy to share you this Nearby Venues UI Kit design! The purpose of this Nearby Venues is to provide you a neat, clean and easy-to-use UI concept for location-based mobile apps, travel, on-the-go and others! Feel free to use this on your apps as well as other presentations.
Nearby Venues UI Kit beautifully crafted in Adobe Photoshop. It contains customizable fully-layered PSD files and vector elements that are neatly done and well-organized.
Download it now today and start your epic designing!
If you enjoy the UI Kits here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.
You may want to check all the files before you download.
Special thanks to Tamannaazkhan 1994 for designing and working for this.

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

EpicPxls <3

