200个Dripicons Figma图书馆(200 Dripicons Figma Library)
今天,我们想与你分享一个新的图标集。200个Dripicons Figma Library。
该库包括一个免费的 Figma UI 图标,您可以根据自己的喜好轻松地进行编辑。这个免费的东西是为了帮助您用Figma加快设计进程而制作的。
"花了一些时间,敲了几百次键盘后,我完成了为Dripicons图标集(由@Amit Jakhu)创建一个Figma库,用于我的资源收集。如果你想减轻自己的痛苦,这里有项目链接,你可以用它来复制并保存到你的账户。专业建议:我建议你勾选'查看-框架轮廓'来管理框架"。
200个Dripicons Figma Library赠品是由Carin Balea设计的。
EpicPxls <3
Today we we’d like to share a new iconset with you: 200 Dripicons Figma Library.
The library includes a free Figma UI Icons and you can easily edit at your pleasure. This freebie was created to help you speed up your design process with Figma.
From the author
“Some time, and hundreds of keystrokes later, I finished creating a Figma library for the Dripicons iconset (by @Amit Jakhu) for my resource collection. If you want to save yourself the pain, here’s the project link which you can use to duplicate and save to your account. Pro-tip: I’d recommend you check ‘View – frame outlines’ to manage the frames.“
200 Dripicons Figma Library freebie was designed by Calin Balea
This unique design can bring an added value to your design project or things that you plan to apply this design to.
If you enjoy the Icons here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download
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Thank you and enjoy designing!
EpicPxls <3