海妖》(The Siren)。单页博客/杂志设计概念(The Siren: One-page blog/magazine design concept)

海妖》(The Siren)。单页博客/杂志设计概念(The Siren: One-page blog/magazine design concept)插图

海妖》(The Siren)。单页博客/杂志设计概念(The Siren: One-page blog/magazine design concept)插图1


The Siren是一个干净和现代的单页模板,是开始使用博客/杂志设计概念的理想选择。
它由8个主要部分组成(一个旋转木马,最新的新闻块,一个订阅表,Instagram feed等)和一堆组件,你可以轻松地编辑和安排你自己的乐趣。
由来自俄罗斯的用户体验/用户界面设计师Kulikov Ilya (https://dribbble.com/ilyakulikov)设计并以Sketch文件格式发布。


EpicPxls <3


The Siren is a clean and modern one-page template ideal for getting started with a blog/magazine design concept.
It consists of 8 main sections (a carousel, latest news blocks, a subscribe form, Instagram feed, etc.) and a bunch of components that you can easily edit and arrange at your own pleasure.
Click the second image above to see a preview.
Designed and released in Sketch file format by Kulikov Ilya (https://dribbble.com/ilyakulikov), UX/UI designer from Russia.
If you enjoy the templates here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

EpicPxls <3

