Cabo Slab: 2种免费字体样式(Cabo Slab: 2 free font styles)
Cabo Slab是由来自Design a Lot(的Bogdan Cașotă设计的字体家族,以Helvetica字体为基础,并带有基本的英文字母、重音和基本标点符号。我们谈论的是两种高级字体,但普通体和斜体风格可供个人免费使用。
Cabo Slab:普通字体+斜体字体样式
Cabo Slab属于slab serif风格,它是无衬线字体和衬线字体的结合。
请查看该字体家族的其他版本。Cabo Rounded - https://www./items/cabo-rounded-2-free-font-styles
EpicPxls <3
Cabo Slab is a font family designed by Bogdan Cașotă from Design a Lot ( using as a base the font Helvetica, and coming with basic English alphabet letters, accents and basic punctuation marks. We’re talking about two premium fonts, but Regular and Italic styles are free for personal use.
Cabo Slab: Regular + Italic font styles
Cabo Slab falls in the slab serif style, which is a combination between sans serif and serif fonts.
It works great with almost every type of design, from branding to packaging, advertising and marketing.
Check out the other version of this font family: Cabo Rounded - https://www./items/cabo-rounded-2-free-font-styles
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You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download
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