Iconclub。拥有8000多个免费图标的拖放应用程序(Iconclub: Drag and drop app with 8000+ free icons)
Iconclub是一个免费的应用程序,你可以用它来进行光速的原型设计!该应用程序包括来自最流行的图标库的8000多个免费的商业用途图标,并提供强大的搜索功能,在几秒钟内找到你需要的东西。此外,你可以将图标拖放到Adobe XD、Illustrator、Photoshop或Sketch等应用程序中。它是每个UI/UX设计师的伟大工具。很酷,是吗?
Iconclub应用程序由Philip Trautmann和Marco Sadowski创建,它可用于Windows和Mac。
EpicPxls <3
Iconclub is a free app that you can use to prototype at the light of speed! The app includes 8000+ free for commercial use icons from the most popular icon repositories and provides a powerful search feature to find what you need in seconds. In addition, you are allowed to drag and drop icons into apps like Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop or Sketch. It’s great tool for every UI/UX designer. Cool, is it?
Iconclub app was created by Philip Trautmann and Marco Sadowski and it is available for both Windows and Mac.
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Thank you and enjoy designing!
EpicPxls <3