Docsify:一个神奇的文档生成器(Docsify: A magical documentation generator)

Docsify:一个神奇的文档生成器(Docsify: A magical documentation generator)插图




EpicPxls <3


"I was just looking for a clean documentation templates focused on usability when it magically appeared right in my face! That’s docsify, not a template but a documentation generator which doesn’t generate static HTML files, but loads and parses your markdown files and displays them as website."
It is lightweight and comes with a bunch of themes. Also, it comes with a powerful live search plugin that makes the UX great.
If you enjoy the templates here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download.
Special thanks for docsifyjs for designing and working for this.

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

EpicPxls <3

