个人健身教练应用程序(Personal Fitness Trainer App)

个人健身教练应用程序(Personal Fitness Trainer App)插图


创建者:Vadim Subbotin


EpicPxls <3


Regular workouts are mainly about comfort. For the sake of maximum comfort, we’ve designed a tool that helps to organize and streamline workouts.
???? To get the most out of exercises, users choose their fitness goals right from the start. The best journey is when you know exactly what you want to achieve, isn’t it?
???? The app includes workouts of all fitness levels. Both pros and beginners find it super easy to stay in shape.
???? To recommend workouts, the user can use the comment section or simply press LIKE. Isn’t it great to make sure that your fitness routine is 100% effective?
Created by Vadim Subbotin
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Thank you and enjoy designing!

EpicPxls <3

