奥黛丽 | 免费字体(Audrey | FREE FONT)
Audrey是Cristina Pagnotta设计的一种新的、自由和优雅的字体。三种重量:普通、中等、粗体。两种变化:常规和斜线。希望你喜欢它!
EpicPxls <3
Audrey is a new, FREE and elegant typeface by Cristina Pagnotta. Three weights: regular, medium, bold. Two variations: regular and oblique. Hope you enjoy it!
If you enjoy the Font here on our site, don't forget to share with your friends and please click follow so you will be notified for more cool products in the future.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download.
Special thanks for Cristina Pi (https://dribbble.com/uiexpert) for designing and working for this.
Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.
Thank you and enjoy designing!
EpicPxls <3