草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图1

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图2

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图3

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图4

草莓奶昔字体演示(Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo)插图5






Strawberry Milkshake Font Demo is a cute, playful font that looks as if it was drawn with a marker. It has a dynamic baseline that gives you bouncy and fun letters. Hence, the font will give the right handwritten and energetic yet casual vibe to your design projects. You can use it for title, headings, logo font, branding and prints as well.
Thanks to Wedgienet (https://wedgienet.net/) for creating and sharing this free demo! However, this is just a sneak peek of Strawberry Font with basic characters and personal license only.
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You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.

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Thank you and enjoy designing!

