满堂红 "免费移动应用程序UI(Fullball Free Mobile App UI)

满堂红 "免费移动应用程序UI(Fullball Free Mobile App UI)插图

满堂红 "免费移动应用程序UI(Fullball Free Mobile App UI)插图1


Fullball免费移动应用UI是一个免费的Adobe XD UI设计,适用于体育和社交媒体移动应用。今天这个是来自Adi Setyo Chrisworo的最新作品。所有这些都在一个整洁的XD文件中,你可以按照你想要的方式进行定制。所以,现在就下载,给自己一些灵感,开始你自己的项目吧
感谢Adi Setyo Chrisworo (https://dribbble.com/adichrisworo)与其他平面设计师和社区分享这个很酷的免费产品。




Fullball Free Mobile App UI is a free Adobe XD UI design for sport and social media mobile applications. This one is coming today from the latest work of Adi Setyo Chrisworo. All available in one neat XD file that you can customize the way you want. So, download now and get yourself some inspiration to start your own project!
Thanks to Adi Setyo Chrisworo (https://dribbble.com/adichrisworo) for sharing this cool freebie with fellow graphic designers and the community here.
If you enjoy this design here on our site, make sure check out on other awesome UI kits on our website and subscribe to our newsletter by filling your email in the box below in the footer section so you will be notified for more cool products in the future and get yourself some more freebies!
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.

Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach us out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

