免费的天空摄影包(Free skies photopack)

免费的天空摄影包(Free skies photopack)插图

免费的天空摄影包(Free skies photopack)插图1


望着天空,有时会觉得很放松。如果你需要具有这种 "和平气息 "的照片,那么这个照片包就是为你准备的免费天空照片包是由Nicolai Becker (http://www.nicolaibecker.de)拍摄的20张高分辨率的天空照片,他免费与我们分享了这些照片!想在你的电脑上有一张舒缓的墙纸吗?也许你想写一句励志的话,你想找一张鼓舞人心、激励人心的背景照片?请自由下载并用于你的下一个项目,无论是个人还是商业用途。
用专业的全画幅数码单反相机(索尼阿尔法7 R II)拍摄的。
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Looking at the sky can feel relaxing, at times. If you need photos that have that "peaceful vibe", then this photo pack is for you! Free skies photo pack is a collection of 20 high-resolution photos of skies by Nicolai Becker (http://www.nicolaibecker.de) and he shared them with us for free! Want to have a soothing wallpaper on your computer? Perhaps you want to write a motivational quote, and you're looking for a background photo that's inspiring and motivating? Feel free to download and use it for your next project, whether it's for personal or commercial use.

20 .jpeg high-resolution sky photos
variety in lighting and sun direction
photographed with a professional full-frame DSLR (Sony Alpha 7 R II)
image size: 6000px width

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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