BEQ记事本阿尔法 (BEQ Note Taker Alpha)

BEQ记事本阿尔法 (BEQ Note Taker Alpha)插图

BEQ记事本阿尔法 (BEQ Note Taker Alpha)插图1


这是BEQ Note Taker Alpha 1.0版本。与其测试版不同的是,阿尔法包带有自己的社交网络布局、日历布局、事件的页面布局,以及更多的内容,都可以使用! 该产品还与adobe illustrator、photoshop和XD兼容。对于那些使用Affinity Photo和Designer工具的人来说,它也与之兼容。请欣赏该产品,并让我知道你对它的看法!


This is the BEQ Note Taker Alpha 1.0 Version. Unlike its beta version, the alpha package comes with its own social networking layout, calendar layout, event's page layout, and much more all ready to be used! The product is also compatible with adobe illustrator, photoshop and XD. It's also compatible with Affinity Photo and Designer for those who use the tools. Please enjoy the product and let me know what you think of it!

