免费的iPhone Figma模拟图(Free iPhone Figma Mockup)

免费的iPhone Figma模拟图(Free iPhone Figma Mockup)插图

免费的iPhone Figma模拟图(Free iPhone Figma Mockup)插图1

免费的iPhone Figma模拟图(Free iPhone Figma Mockup)插图2

免费的iPhone Figma模拟图(Free iPhone Figma Mockup)插图3


你是一个平面设计师,正在寻找一些你可以操作和工作的模拟图吗?那么,这个由Katarzyna Duda (https://www.behance.net/katarzynaduda)创作的免费iPhone Figma模型,可能正适合你!这个免费的高保真Figma iPhone模型有三种颜色:白色、黑色和紫色。今天就可以自由地下载和使用它






Are you a graphic designer, looking for some mockups that you can manipulate and work on? Well, this Free iPhone Figma Mockup, created by Katarzyna Duda (https://www.behance.net/katarzynaduda), might just be for you! This free high fidelity iPhone mockup for Figma is available in three colors: white, black and purple. Feel free to download and use it today!
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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Thank you and enjoy designing!

