Arizona:免费HTML个人/组合模板(Arizona: Free HTML Personal / Portfolio Template)

Arizona:免费HTML个人/组合模板(Arizona: Free HTML Personal / Portfolio Template)插图

Arizona:免费HTML个人/组合模板(Arizona: Free HTML Personal / Portfolio Template)插图1


Arizona是一个免费的HTML模板,由来自意大利的平面设计师Nicola Tolin(设计。这个模板由5个用Bootstrap制作的现成页面组成。它是一个很好的选择,可以在几分钟内建立一个简单的个人或组合网站。这个模板最棒的地方是,它是完全免费的。所以,你还等什么呢?今天就下载并在你即将到来的项目中使用它吧!






Arizona is a free HTML template designed by Nicola Tolin (, a graphic designer from Italy. This template's consists of 5 ready-made pages built with Bootstrap. It is a good choice for setting up a simple personal or portfolio websites in minutes. And the great thing about this template, is that it is absolutely free! So what are you waiting for? Download and use this today for your upcoming projects!

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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