36 付款和信用卡图标(36 Payment and Credit Card Icons)

36 付款和信用卡图标(36 Payment and Credit Card Icons)插图

36 付款和信用卡图标(36 Payment and Credit Card Icons)插图1


嗨,你们好!请看本周由Spektrum 44 (https://www.behance.net/spektrum44)提供的免费产品。这是一套36个免费的支付和信用卡矢量图标,用于电子商务网站或应用程序。该下载包括信用卡/借记卡图标(如万事达卡、维萨卡、美国运通卡),支付提供商标志(如Klarna、Giropay),加密货币支付图标(如比特币、Etehreum),以及更多。你还在等什么呢?今天就去看看吧!






Hey there! Check out the freebie of the week by Spektrum 44 (https://www.behance.net/spektrum44). It is a set of 36 free payment and credit card vector icons, for e-commerce websites or apps. The download includes credit/debit card icons (e.g. Mastercard, Visa, American Express), payment provider logos (e.g. Klarna, Giropay), Crypto payment icons (e.g. Bitcoin, Etehreum), and more. What are you waiting for? Check it out today!

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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