苏菲。聊天软件的免费用户界面(Sophie: Free UI for Chat Apps)

苏菲。聊天软件的免费用户界面(Sophie: Free UI for Chat Apps)插图

苏菲。聊天软件的免费用户界面(Sophie: Free UI for Chat Apps)插图1


Sophie是一个设计UI工具包,用于创建令人敬畏的聊天和消息移动应用程序,由Sourabh Barua(https://www.behance.net/iamsourabh)设计和发布。免费软件由16个现成的屏幕组成,以浅色和深色皮肤提供。它可用于Sketch和Adobe XD。






Sophie is a design UI kit for creating awesome chat and messaging mobile apps designed and released by Sourabh Barua (https://www.behance.net/iamsourabh). Freebie consists of 16 ready-made screens provided in light and dark skins. It’s available for Sketch and Adobe XD.

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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Thank you and enjoy designing!

