创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图1

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图2

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图3

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图4

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图5

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图6

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图7

创建令人惊叹的设计的免费字体(Free Fonts To Create Stunning Designs)插图8


Tuesday Night是Font Forestry的一个全新的免费签名字体。它是一种手工制作的脚本字体,适用于许多不同的应用和风格,以个性化您的产品。星期二晚上的特点是超大的大写字母,具有独特的签名风格,非常适合用于婚礼请柬、标志、服装、装饰性引言、印刷品、剪贴簿等。
Peace Sans是一款用爱制作的免费黑体字!它可以使你的排版更加平和亲切。它可以使你的字体设计更加和平和亲切。它是在TypeType学校的学习过程中创建的。
Oraqle Script是Union Hands的一种毛笔字字体,具有大胆的笔触和真实的毛笔纹理,会使你的设计脱颖而出。Oraqle Script还具有令人印象深刻的动作,外观简洁。你可以用它来满足你的所有需求,如标志、印刷报价、徽章、徽章、包装、标题、海报、T恤/服装、贺卡和婚礼请柬、&,等等。
Old Growth是一种新的免费字体,其灵感来自于西海岸的古老森林。它具有粗糙和不平整的边缘,各种备用字符以及一些多语言字符。Old Growth非常适合用于品牌宣传、引言、标题和许多其他项目。
Cast Iron是一种以几何形状为特色的免费浓缩字体。它是标志设计和标题的理想选择。由Jeremy Vessey设计并发布。
Ocean Six Brush Font是一种浓缩的、大胆的显示字体,具有独特的、经过数学计算的笔画,同时保留了有机的手工制作的外观。这种字体是用扫描和矢量化的丙烯酸刷子笔触制作的,它有通常的小写和大写,也有数字和标点符号。
Grieves先生是Jenny Fox的一款手绘无衬线字体。是展示用途的理想选择。大写字母形式是用大胆的、有大量纹理的笔触进行手工渲染的,并进行了非常少的编辑。
你喜欢这个字体集吗?如果你喜欢这个系列,请确保在我们的网站上查看其他令人敬畏的字体,并在下面的页脚部分的方框中填写你的电子邮件,订阅我们的新闻通讯,这样你就会在未来得到更多很酷的产品的通知,并为自己争取每周的免费赠品!感谢Muhammed Hazeem与社区分享这份收集到的精彩字体清单。





Best free fonts we found to make your design stand out! You can use it for every project and purpose. Download now and bring your design to life using these free fonts

Tuesday Night is a brand new free signature script from Font Forestry. It is a handcrafted script font made for many different applications & styles to personalize your products. Tuesday night features extra-large capitals for a unique signature style that is perfect for wedding invitations, logos, apparel, decorative quotes, prints, scrapbooking, and much more!
Peace Sans is a free bold font made with love! It can make your typography more peaceful and kind. It was created in the learning process in TypeType School.
Brownhill designed by Sizimon. Brownhill Script is handwritten fonts set . Very cool for logos, name tag, handwritten quotes, product packaging, merchandise, social media & greeting cards. And very easy to make design t-shirts and other products. Very save time in making the design of a product. It contains a full set of lower & uppercase letters, a large range of punctuation, numerals, and multilingual support.
Oraqle Script is a brush lettering font from Union Hands that features bold strokes and authentic brush texture that will make your design stand out. Oraqle Script also has impressive movement with a clean look. You can use it for all your needs, such as logos, printed quotes, badges, insignias, packaging, headlines, posters, t-shirts/apparels, greeting cards, and wedding invitations, &, etc.
Old Growth is a new free font inspired by the old-growth forests of the West Coast. It features rough & uneven edges, various alternate characters as well as some multilingual characters. Old Growth is perfect for branding, quotes, headlines, and many other projects.
Cast Iron is a free condensed font featured by geometric shapes. It is ideal for logo design and headlines. Designed and released by Jeremy Vessey.
Ocean Six Brush Font is a condensed, bold display typeface that features unique, mathematically calculated strokes while retaining the organic handmade look. This font was made with scanned and vectorized acrylic brush strokes, it has the usual lower and upper cases, also numbers and punctuations.
Mr. Grieves is a hand-painted sans-serif font from Jenny Fox. Ideal for display use. Uppercase letter-forms have been hand-rendered with bold, heavily textured brush strokes, and very minimally edited.

You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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Your feedback and opinions are very important to us! Should you have a question, concern, or suggestion - don't hesitate to reach out on our social media pages and we'll answer as soon as we can.

Thank you and enjoy designing!

