测验应用的用户界面(Quiz Application UI)

测验应用的用户界面(Quiz Application UI)插图

测验应用的用户界面(Quiz Application UI)插图1


Mohan Sai Teki(https://www.instagram.com/mohansaiteki)的测验应用程序的简单用户界面。使用React JS开发。可以很容易地与后端应用程序集成。它是开源的,所以你可以下载它的源代码。






A Simple UI for Quiz Application by Mohan Sai Teki (https://www.instagram.com/mohansaiteki). Developed using React JS. Can be easily integrated with a Back-end Application. It is Open Source so that you can download the source code for this.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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