玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图1

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图2

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图3

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图4

玛雅字形 | 免费字体(Maya Glyphs | Free Typeface)插图5


Maya Glyphs是一种大写的显示字体,由Azteca Design(https://aztecadesign.com.br/)创建,可供个人免费使用。如需商业许可,请与他们联系。






Maya Glyphs by is a geometric display font inspired by the writing of the ancient Mayan civilization, which used a system of logograms complemented by a set of glyphs, to represent phonemes, words, or numbers. Mayan writing had a similar function to current Japanese writing and its inscriptions were made on paper, stone monuments, ceramics, wood, and fabrics. For the Maya, their writing was not just a means of storing information, but a kind of art, which demonstrates the greatness of this culture. The typography was created for #36daysoftype08, following a regular grid to maintain the uniformity of each character. The use of basic shapes, such as bars and circles, was based on the Mayan numerical system.
Maya Glyphs is a capitalized display font, created by Azteca Design (https://aztecadesign.com.br/) and it is available for free personal use. Contact them for a commercial license.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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