伟大的氛围 - 免费PSD海报模板(Great Vibes – Free PSD Poster Template)

伟大的氛围 - 免费PSD海报模板(Great Vibes – Free PSD Poster Template)插图

伟大的氛围 - 免费PSD海报模板(Great Vibes – Free PSD Poster Template)插图1


如果你想让你的聚会成为一年中最重要的事件,你必须到处张贴你的广告。当你完成了网上宣传后,是时候打印一张巨大的海报(也许不止一张),并把它挂在街道的某个地方。不要让人们从你的广告旁边经过。让它变得特别,让它脱颖而出!如果你已经准备好为你的夜总会带来巨大的成功和长队,AG Cosmos(https://www.behance.net/ageevadesiec7e)的这个模板是一个完美的选择。它有很多发光的元素和相当有创意的设计。也许,你已经为你的海报找到了其他选择。然而,这个模板与所有这些不同,因为它有一个非常高的分辨率。






If you want your party to be the most significant event of the year, you have to post your advertisement everywhere. When you are done with online promotions, it’s time to print a huge poster (maybe more than just one) and hang it somewhere on the street. Don’t let people pass by your ad. Make it special, make it stand out! This template by AG Cosmos (https://www.behance.net/ageevadesiec7e) is a perfect choice if you are ready for a big success and long queues to your nightclub. It has a lot of glowing elements and quite a creative design. Probably, you have already found other options for your poster. However, this template differs from all of them as it has an extremely high resolution.
PSD is set up in 3675×5475 dimension (24,5″ х 36,5″ with 0,25″ bleed). You can easily change texts, content, images, objects, and color palette. The PSD file is very well organized, with color-coded groups and layers named appropriately.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.

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