突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图1

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图2

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图3

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图4

突变的纹理背景(Glitch Texture Backgrounds)插图5


我们今天的赠品是Glitch Texture Backgrounds。这个包包含了5个不同的突变或大理石纹理图片,你可以用来做背景,为你的设计添加更多的色彩。这些纹理以JPG格式提供,尺寸为2000x5000px,在海报和背景墙等大型印刷品上肯定会有很好的效果。
感谢Johann Schnettker (https://www.behance.net/JohannSchnettker)创造和分享这个令人惊叹的纹理系列!


Our freebie for today is Glitch Texture Backgrounds. This pack contains 5 different glitch or marble texture images that you can use for background and to add more color to your design. Available in JPG format with 2000x5000px dimensions, these textures surely will work great as well on big prints like poster, and backdrop as well.
Thanks to Johann Schnettker (https://www.behance.net/JohannSchnettker) for creating and sharing this stunning texture collection!
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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