Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图1

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图2

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图3

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图4

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图5

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图6

Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop(Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop)插图7


Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop是一个惊人的Photoshop动作。用它可以很容易地创造出很多清新、寒冷、冰冻、神奇、冬季的设计。选择其中一个动作,在图层上发挥,得到一个冰霜的清新的心情。使用画笔,画出不同类型的冰霜框架和神奇的雪的效果。额外的,滴水风格也包含在这套作品中。它也将有助于在炎热的夏日创造一种清新的气氛,或传达雨天的气氛。


Free Frost Styles Effects For Adobe Photoshop is an amazing Photoshop action. It is very easy to create a lot of fresh, cold, frozen, magical, winter designs with it. Select one of the actions and play on the layer and get a mood of frosty freshness. Using brushes, paint different types of frost frames and the magical effect of snow. Extra, the Drops style is included in the set. It will also help create a fresh mood on a hot summer day or convey the atmosphere of rainy weather.
Thanks to Sophico ( for sharing this handy photoshop action with the community. It is free for personal use only.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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