隶书 "Scaramella "免费字体(Scaramella Script Free Font)

隶书 "Scaramella "免费字体(Scaramella Script Free Font)插图

隶书 "Scaramella "免费字体(Scaramella Script Free Font)插图1

隶书 "Scaramella "免费字体(Scaramella Script Free Font)插图2

隶书 "Scaramella "免费字体(Scaramella Script Free Font)插图3


这个字体,Scaramella,是由Camila Scaramella(https://www.behance.net/camilascaramella)为女权主义运动和支持女权主义者而创作的。这款字体是在对女权主义数字通信的研究基础上,用手工书法创作的。即使不是用于女权主义目的,你也可以下载该字体。


This typography, Scaramella, was created by Camila Scaramella (https://www.behance.net/camilascaramella) for the feminist campaigns and to support feminists. The font was created from hand calligraphy, based on research on feminist digital communication. You can download the font even if it is not for feminist purposes.
You may want to check all the files in the kit before you download it.
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