Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图1

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图2

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图3

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图4

Adda - 社交网络移动应用UI工具包 (Adda - Social Network Mobile App UI Kit)插图5


Adda - 是一个社交网络移动应用UI工具包,将帮助你加快你的社交网络应用的设计。它为所有35个屏幕提供了分层和排列的作品。每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,简单易用,并在Figma中精心拼接。这个iOS应用程序模板可以随时使用。


Adda - is an A Social Network Mobile App UI Kit that will help you speed up the design of your social network application. It has layered and arranged pieces for all 35 screens. Each screen is totally customizable, simple to use, and meticulously put together in Figma. This iOS app template is ready to use.

