新形态模型套件(Neumorphism Figma Kit)

Neumorphism Figma Kit for Figma and Adobe XD No 1


Neumorphism Figma Kit - Figma 和 Adobe XD 的免费赠品
这种效果很容易通过使用两个阴影来实现,一个为负值,另一个为正值。但要让它工作,我们的背景不能是全黑或全白。它至少需要一点点色调,以便可以看到深色和浅色阴影。您可以使用任何色调作为背景,因此它可以根据您的选择更暖或更冷。但是白色和黑色的阴影必须在它上面可见,如果有的话。您将看到具有完美色彩对比的不同按钮和搜索栏。Neuromorphic 是一个免费的应用程序模板,其中包含分层的应用程序屏幕设计,涵盖所有主要用户流程。所有主要的 UI 元素都独立在一个画板上,因此任何元素都可以直接从那里抓取并添加到您的设计项目中。即使这个 UI 套件不仅适用于在线商店,组件本身也可以用于各种应用程序。有许多 UI 组件,例如列表、标签、消息气泡、评论、不同的按钮状态等等。最后,它是一种视觉风格,使用内部和外部阴影来创建柔软、挤压形状的错觉。功能图标切换按钮单选按钮图表圆角方形圆角矩形下拉圆形按钮随意使用这个免费赠品来实现您的个人项目创意!由 Tatsiana Charnysh 制作的新拟态 Figma 套件这个免费的 Neumorphism Figma 套件是最初由 Tatsiana Charnysh 在此 url 上共享。此免费赠品的类别未分类。用于创建此免费赠品的工具是 Figma 和 Adobe XD。有用的提示:如果许可证未知,通常是因为他们忘记明确提及;不是因为他们小气。在将它用于商业项目之前,您可以很好地询问 Tatsiana Charnysh,他们可能会允许您使用它。


Neumorphism Figma Kit - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
This effect is pretty easy to achieve by playing with two shadows, one at negative values while the other at positive. But for it to work our background cannot be fully black or fully white. It needs at least a tiny bit of tint so both dark and light shadows will be visible. You can use any hue for the background so it can be warmer or colder depending on your choice. But white and dark shadows have to be visible on it, if slightly. You will see different buttons and search bars with perfect color contrast.Neuromorphic is a free App Template that contains layered app screen designs, covering all the main user flows. All main UI elements are separate on to one artboard, so any element could be directly grabbed from there and be added to your design project. Even though this UI kit is not only for online stores, the components by themselves could be used on a variety of of apps. There are many UI components such as lists, tags, message bubbles, comments, different button states, to name a few. Finally, it is a visual style using inner and outer shadows to create an illusion of soft, extruded shapes.Featuresiconswitch buttonradio buttonchartrounded squarerounded rectangulardropdownround buttonFeel free to use this freebie for your personal project ideas!Neumorphism Figma Kit madeby Tatsiana CharnyshThis freebie Neumorphism Figma Kit was originally shared by Tatsiana Charnysh on this url.The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD. Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Tatsiana Charnysh nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.

