组合单页模板(Portfolio One Page Template)

Portfolio One Page Template for Figma and Adobe XD No 1


作品集一页模板 - Figma 和 Adobe XD 的免费赠品
在未来的雇主和客户眼中,UI 设计师与他们的作品集一样好。但是令人印象深刻的 UI 设计组合实际上是什么样的呢?以及如何将您的作品集提升到一个新的水平?无论您是从零开始的 UI 设计师,还是希望为现有作品集注入新活力的经验丰富的设计师,此工具包都将成为您的灵感。UI 设计作品集不仅仅是挑选您最喜欢的项目并将它们整齐地排列在视觉画廊中。这是一个展示您的方法论、如何合理化设计决策以及您的创意天赋的机会,并让未来的雇主和客户了解与您合作可能会是什么样子。UI 设计作品集应该具有完美的个性平衡,实用性和信息性。您必须确保您的项目和案例研究以易于理解的方式呈现。归根结底,作品集是讲故事的;你是谁,你的热情在哪里,你遵循什么设计原则?使用视差滚动使内容栩栩如生。数字设计师专注于道德品牌。巧妙地利用空白来分解内容和图像的块。它选择大胆、有影响力的颜色选择,并实施一口大小的信息来支持而不是掩盖他的设计。有趣的动画揭示了我们不会从静止图像中看到的行为。这不断地为项目增加了另一个维度。这份简历肯定会留下持久的印象!投资组合单页模板由 Tauhid Hasan 设计这个免费赠品投资组合单页模板最初由 Tauhid Hasan 在此 url 上共享。此免费赠品的类别未分类。用于创建此免费赠品的工具是 Figma 和 Adobe XD。有用的提示:如果许可证未知,通常是因为他们忘记明确提及;不是因为他们小气。在将它用于商业项目之前,您可以很好地询问 Tauhid Hasan,他们可能会允许您使用它。


Portfolio One Page Template - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
In the eyes of future employers and clients, a UI designer is only as good as their portfolio. But what does an impressive UI design portfolio actually look like? And how can you take your portfolio to the next level?Whether youre a UI designer in the making whos starting from scratch, or an experienced designer looking to breathe new life into your existing portfolio, this kit will serve as inspiration.A UI design portfolio is so much more than cherry-picking your favorite projects and arranging them neatly in a visual gallery. Its an opportunity to showcase your methodology, how you rationalize your design decisions, and your creative flairas well as giving future employers and clients an insight into what it might be like to work with you.UI design portfolios should have the perfect balance of personality, practicality, and information. you have to ensure your projects and case studies are presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Ultimately, portfolios are about storytelling; who are you, where do your passions lie, and what design principles do you follow?Using parallax scrolling to bring the content to life. The digital designer focuses on ethical branding. clever use of white space to break up the blocks of content and imagery. It opts for bold, impactful color choices, and implements bite-sized pieces of information to supportrather than overshadowhis designs. Playful animations reveal behaviors we wouldnt otherwise see from a still image. Continuously this adds another dimension to the project. This CV certainly leaves a lasting impression!Portfolio One Page Templatewas designed by Tauhid HasanThis freebie Portfolio One Page Template was originally shared by Tauhid Hasan on this url.The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD. Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Tauhid Hasan nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.

