家庭小工具控制应用程序(Home Gadgets Control App)

Home Gadgets Control App for Figma and Adobe XD No 1


Home Gadgets Control App - Figma 和 Adobe XD 的免费赠品
事实证明,它可以与智能家居应用程序一起使用!现在,我们甚至不必移动即可抓住遥控器并更改频道。我们所要做的就是与我们的电视交谈,它会改变频道本身。它不仅限于电视系统。从厨房电器到车库门,从灯光到窗帘,一切都可以控制。由于智能家居技术加上智能移动应用程序开发,这让普通用户更容易。当然,智能家居技术在如此短的时间内进步了很多。适用于 Android 和 iOS 的家庭自动化系统使您能够控制家中的各个方面。只需轻按一下手机,即使您不在。在这种情况下,智能家居移动自动化应用程序将智能手机变成了遥控器。这就是您可以开始您的智能家居自动化之旅的方式。有了这个应用程序,您可以控制房间、区域和触发器。您可以启用计时器和事件,这些事件会成为控制操作的触发器,例如为家中的灯创建日期和时间。它提供了一个小部件,可让您了解您拥有的每个设备的状态与应用配对。它使用滑块和切换开关来控制已插入或具有调光能力的智能设备的电源。此应用程序的主要关键功能之一是能够远程控制和检查设备的状态,将多个设备组合在一起以同时控制它们,配置设备设置,获取有关不同设备的通知。Home Gadgets Control App 是由 Syful Islam 这个免费赠品 Home Gadgets Control App 最初由 syful islam 在此 url 上共享的。这个免费赠品的类别是未分类的。用于创建此免费赠品的工具是 Figma 和 Adobe XD。有用的提示:如果许可证未知,通常是因为他们忘记明确提及;不是因为他们小气。在将它用于商业项目之前,您可以很好地询问 Syful Islam,他们可能会允许您使用它。


Home Gadgets Control App - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
As it turns out, it can with a smart home app! Now we dont even have to move in order to grab the remote and change the channel. All we have to do is to talk to our TV, and it will change the channel itself. And its not only limited to the television system. From kitchen appliances to the garage door, from the lights to the curtains, everything can be controlled. Thanks to the smart home technologies coupled withsmart mobile app development, that is making it easier for normal users.Of course, smart home technology has advanced a lot further in such a short amount of time. Available for bothAndroidand iOS, a home automation system enables you to control every aspect of your home. With just a tap on your phone, even when you are not there. In this scenario, the smart-home mobile automation apps turn the smartphone into a remote. And thats how you can begin your smart home automation journey.With this app, you can control rooms, zones, and triggers. You are able to enable a timer and events which become a trigger to control actions such as creating a day and time for the lights in your home to turn on.It provides a widget that gives you a rundown of the state of each device you have paired to the app. It uses sliders and toggles to control the power of smart devices that are plugged in or have the ability for dimming.One of the main key features of this app is the ability to remotely control and check the status of devices, group multiple devices together to control them simultaneously, configure the device settings, get notifications about different devices.Home Gadgets Control App was designedbySyful IslamThis freebie Home Gadgets Control App was originally shared by syful islam on this url.The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD. Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Syful Islam nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.

