动画电子商务套件(Animated Ecommerce Kit)


动画电子商务工具包 - Figma 和 Adobe XD 的免费赠品
这不仅仅是圆滑的图形和运动效果的问题。您的设计需要采用创造无缝购物体验的 UX 原则,因此对最终结账没有任何阻力。除了减少摩擦外,该网站还应通过清晰、有意的风格反映您的品牌价值。拥有专业、统一的外观可以让买家了解您的业务是什么,并作为您产品价值的标志。总而言之,您的网站设计应该在您和您的买家之间建立情感联系。网页设计中的UI动画,包括加载动画、登陆动画、过渡动画和登录/注册表单动画,不仅提供了强大的视觉吸引力来抓住用户的注意力,也丰富了整个UI设计。它们还突出了重要的 UI 信息/功能并增强了 UX。此模板是一家闪电公司的登录页面和电子商务的组合。在黑暗的背景下,浅色的口音更加明显。调色板包含黑色、白色和黄色。这已经足够了!它在交互之间也有漂亮的过渡。它的设计非常简约但用户友好。用户可以根据自己的喜好点击显示或隐藏品牌名称。来自作者:老实说,我们引以为豪的一些工作从未出现过,这感觉不对。这就是为什么我们想与您和社区分享它,没有比作为免费赠品赠送它更好的分享方式了!由 Marta Lovri 设计的动画电子商务模板有关我们和我们的工作的更多信息,请务必查看 Behance。这个免费赠品动画电子商务工具包最初由 Marta Lovri 在此 url 上共享。此免费赠品的类别未分类。用于创建此免费赠品的工具是 Figma 和 Adobe XD。有用的提示:如果许可证未知,通常是因为他们忘记明确提及;不是因为他们小气。在将它用于商业项目之前,您可以很好地询问 Marta Lovri,他们可能会允许您使用它。


Animated Ecommerce Kit - Freebies for Figma and Adobe XD
vIts not just a matter of sleek graphics and motion effects. Your design needs to employ UX principles that create a seamless shopping experience, so theres no resistance towards reaching the final checkout.Besides reducing friction, the site should reflect your brands value through a clear, intentional style. Having a professional, unified look gives buyers an idea of what your business is about and reads as a sign of your products worth.All together, your site design should build an emotional connection between you and your buyers. UI animations, including loading animations, landing animations, transition animations and login/signup form animations, in webdesigns provide not only a strong visual appeal to grasp the users attention and enrich the entire UI design. They also highlight important UI information/functionality and enhance the UX.This template is a mix of landing page and e-commerce for a lightning company. On the dark background, the light accents are even more noticeable. The color palette contains black, white and yellow. And that is enough! It also has beautiful transitions between interactions. Its design is very minimalistic but user friendly. Users can click to show or hide the brands names depending upon their preferences.From the author:To be honest, it doesn’t feel right that some of our work that we’re proud of never sees the light of day. That’s why we want to share it with you, the community, and there’s no better way to share than to give it away as a freebie!Animated Ecommerce Template designed by Marta LovriFor more about us and our work make sure to checkBehance.This freebie Animated Ecommerce Kit was originally shared by Marta Lovri on this url.The categories for this freebie are Uncategorized. Tools used to create this freebie are Figma and Adobe XD. Helpful hint: If the license is unknown, it is usually because they forgot to mention it explicitly; not because they were being stingy. Before using it for a commerical project, you can ask Marta Lovri nicely and they will probably allow you to use it.

