创意主页 |探索#6(Creative Home Page | Exploration #6)

创意主页 |探索#6(Creative Home Page | Exploration #6)插图


大家好,希望你们一切都好。我正在探索一些登陆页面的想法,这是另一个版本,这次尝试让它在视觉上更加完美。所有内容都用于虚拟目的。插图是:高级有任何项目吗? - 可用于招聘/项目Gmail:zahidjusi97@gmail.comSkype:(z.zisan)谢谢!


Hello guys, Hope you're fine. I'm exploring some landing page ideas, Here is another version and this time try to make it more visually perfect. All of content uses for dummy purpose.Illustration are : PremiumHave any project? - AVAILABLE FOR HIRING/PROJECTGmail : zahidjusi97@gmail.comSkype : (z.zisan)Thank You!

