新创建 Google Duo 重新设计挑战(New Create Google Duo Redesign Challenge)

New Create Google Duo Redesign Challenge


嘿嘿👋我很高兴地宣布 Google Duo - 呼叫、视频仪表板页面 UI 设计已经准备就绪,并使用 Adobe XD、Adobe Photoshop 和 Adobe illustrator 设计。享受吧!请 🖤 不要忘记点击“L”按钮来表达爱意。 🚀 并关注我 :) 希望你们会喜欢。让我知道你对此的想法。欢迎您的反馈和赞赏🙂Checkout My Design Portfolio on Dribbble |行为 |已链接谢谢!


Hey there 👋I'm happy to announce that Google Duo - Call, Video Dashboard Page UI Design for Web is ready and Designed in Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe illustrator. Enjoy!Please 🖤 don't forget to show some love by hitting the 'L' button. 🚀 and follow me :)Hope you guys will like it. Let me know your thought's on that. Your feedback and appreciation is always Welcome 🙂Checkout My Design Portfolio on Dribbble | Behance | Linked InThank you!

