Orion-Cloud Header 网站(Orion-Cloud Header Website)

Orion-Cloud Header 网站(Orion-Cloud Header Website)插图


呈现“Orion-Cloud Header 网站”。我试着用更多的空间让它看起来干净,并尝试在设计中使用一些匹配的亮色来让它看起来很有趣。😍😍请分享你对颜色选择和元素放置的反馈。✌✌如果你喜欢你所看到的,不要忘记按❤️图标并关注我的 dribbble 和其他社交平台以获得激动人心的内容。感谢您的时间,祝您有美好的一天!可用于新项目!让我们谈谈:sharonahmed2001@gmail.com 👌👌👌


Hello Creative People
Presenting a "Orion-Cloud Header Website". I tried to make it look clean with more space and tried to use some matching bright colors for the design to make it look interesting.😍😍Please share your feedback about color choice and placement of the elements.✌✌If you like what you see, don't forget the press the ❤️ icon and follow me dribbble and other social platforms to get exciting contents.Thanks for your time and have a good day!Available for new projects! Let's have a talk:sharonahmed2001@gmail.com 👌👌👌

