英雄联盟头像登陆页面(League of Legends Avatar Landing Page)
大家好,随着 Riot Games 动画系列奥术的流行,每个人都非常喜欢流行的 RPM 游戏英雄联盟及其相关角色。如果您是流式传输游戏或拥有角色粉丝页面的人或销售游戏帐户的人,那么您会喜欢我们在此着陆页 UI 上的设计。
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League of Legends Avatar Landing Page
Hello Dear People,With the popularity of Riot Games’ animated series Arcane, everyone is very into the popular RPM game League of Legends and its related characters. If you are someone who streams game or have a character fan page or someone who sells a game account will love our take on this landing page UI.
Press that "L" to show us that you liked it or let us know how it can be improved in the comments section.
Want to Turn Your Ideas to Design?Ping us at hello@creativepeoplesdesign.com | creativepeoplesdesign@gmail.comWe are always available for a quick chat over...Skype @ahbappaTelegram @creativepeoplesDiscord @creativepeoplesWhatsapp +8801758500436Follow us on:Instagram | LinkedIN | Facebook | Behance | TwitterCheckout our website http://creativepeoplesdesign.com