Landie - 登陆页面生成器 (Landie - Landing Page Builder)

Landie - 登陆页面生成器 (Landie - Landing Page Builder)插图


为了保持简单,我们将Landie的工作方式与乐高积木相似。我们有超过280个不同的 "块"。这些区块涵盖了你所需要的所有基础。英雄、CTA、团队、FAQ、价格、功能、产品亮点,等等。 


Landie is the tool you need to quickly design your own landing pages without tearing your hair out.

To keep things simple, we built Landie to work in a similar way to Lego. We have over 280 different "Blocks". These Blocks cover all the bases you could need. Hero, CTA, Team, FAQ, Pricing, Features, Product-Highlight, and more.

You can design it block by block, test out your design and quickly swap out what is and isn't working as your product matures and changes.

