旅行入职设计 - TimeTravel 应用程序(Traveling Onboarding Design - TimeTravel app)

Traveling Onboarding Design - TimeTravel app


Hey FriendsTimeTravel 旅行社是旅行社。他们在那里组织了全球旅行解决方案和酒店预订服务。您可以轻松地选择您的旅游地点并选择您最低的酒店预订系统。套餐包括 25 多个 Adobe Xd 和 Adobe Photoshop 文件中的屏幕。完美的工具,帮助您创建旅行 &预订应用程序。它具有简单的设置和许多旅游业务所需的功能,给人留下深刻的印象。类型字体:Poppins 和 Playfair 显示• 👉 购买完整项目并从 UI8 获得折扣奖品• 👉 从 Uplabs 下载此项目• 👉 查看完整项目 Behance 希望你喜欢!如果你这样做了,请按键盘上的“L”并关注我,以免错过即将到来的工作。保重 &来自 Istiak Ahmed 的爱和 For Query 发送邮件: istiakahmed271@gmail.comFacebook || Instagram || Linkedin ||Twitter


Hey FriendsTimeTravel agency is traveling based agency. Where they organized worldwide travel solution and hotel booking services. You can easily choose your tour place and select your lowest hotel booking system.Package includes 25+ Screens in Adobe Xd and Adobe photoshop files. Perfect tool to help you create travel & booking apps. It has an easy setup and many features that are required in travel business to leave a great impression.Type Font: Poppins and Playfair Display• 👉 Purchase Full project with DISCOUNT prize from UI8• 👉 Download this from Uplabs• 👉 View full Project the BehanceHope you like it! Press "L" on your keyboard if you do and follow me to not miss upcoming work.Take Care & Love from Istiak Ahmed and For Query shoot a mail : istiakahmed271@gmail.comFacebook || Instagram || Linkedin ||Twitter

