EGEO电子商务UI工具包 (EGEO E-Commerce UI Kit)

EGEO电子商务UI工具包 (EGEO E-Commerce UI Kit)插图

EGEO电子商务UI工具包 (EGEO E-Commerce UI Kit)插图1


EGEO是功能强大的电子商务网站UI包,设计简洁明了。这个套件可以帮助你轻松地制作原型和设计任何电子商务网站。套装是完全可定制的,易于使用,并以4种文件类型(.sketch .psd .xd和.fig)精心组合而成。


EGEO is the powerful e-commerce web UI kit with clean and simple design. This pack helps you to prototype and design any e-commerce website with ease. Kit is fully customizable, easy to use and carefully assembled in 4 file types (.sketch .psd .xd and .fig)

