朱诺妈妈社交平台 (Juno Mom Social Platform)

朱诺妈妈社交平台 (Juno Mom Social Platform)插图

朱诺妈妈社交平台 (Juno Mom Social Platform)插图1


这是一个应用程序,在这个过程中,她们将能够快速地接触到她们所需要的许多不同类别的信息。它允许母亲们在社交平台上分享她们的怀孕和所有的照片,并使其不朽。14页。Adobe XD文件


It is an application that they will be able to reach quickly to the information they need in many different categories in this process. It allows mothers to share their pregnancy and all their photographs on the social platform and immortalize them. 14 Pages. Adobe XD File

