水疗网页设计(Spa Web Design)
大家好👋终于完成了 Spa网页设计!从图形的角度来看,我认为它看起来现代、干净和有吸引力。如果您同意我的观点,当然可以使用大量空间、对比色、字体大小来实现这种效果 - 请在评论中告诉我。由于所有对象都是使用形状创建的,因此非常容易定制和update.website 模板发布在 Adobe XD :)亮点
- 1920 X 1080 分辨率
- 全部包括照片
- Adobe XD 文件与设计
- 6 网页屏幕设计
- Poppins
- Gotham
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Hello guys 👋Finally the Spa Web Design is done! I think it looks modern, clean and attractive from the graphic point of view. A lot of spaces, contrast colors, playing around the font size let to achieve that kind of effect of course if you agree with me - let me know in the comments.As all the objects are created using shapes so its very easy to customize and update.website template that were posted in available in Adobe XD :)Highlights
- 1920 X 1080 Resolution
- All photos are included
- Adobe XD files with the design
- 6 Web screen design
Font Used
- Poppins
- Gotham
Don't forget to follow me if you don't to miss other shots. Please Press 'U' show a little bit of appreciation! & press "L" on your keyboard to show some ❤ and follow me.You can download it for FREE if you are Premium member of uplabsFOLLOW me on INSTAGRAM
https://www.instagram.com/me_ui_ux_designer/I'm available for the freelance project - blogger41915@gmail.comEnjoy!